Until we get ride of passwords we'll need to know some
techniques to avoid having the same password for all your accounts.
Here is a short comparison to show some alternative techniques.
Use a software to generate and remember passwords for you. A master password generally protect all your passwords.
Using a password card can help you memorize several complex passwords by just remembering few information.
Create / print a card
Pick a direction, length, and starting point
Here is a simple algorithm to create a password from phrases you like.
Choose one or several sentences (quotes, sentences in a book...)
Extract the first letter of each word
Alternate case
Add the number of characters of the first and last word.
Example: "Password is a pain to remember" => "piaptr" => "pIaPtR" => "pIaPtR88"
To make your password secure you need to make it different for each website/account. You can for example add the first and last character of the website name.
User reviews and comments
If the algorithm you choose is strong enough, your brain should be more secure than any software.
Even if we lose the card; passwords are safe since you need to know the other information.
Passwords can be generated easily, and we can copy and paste or use auto-fill. Need to memorize only one master password.