Userlike est une solution Saas de Click to Chat afin de dialoguer instantanément avec les visiteurs de son site web.
Grâce à ce système, les ventes décollent et la satisfaction client augmente.
Il est possible de dialoguer à partir du tableau de bord Userlike ou à partir d'un client de messagerie externe.
Userlike offers live chat software for websites. Userlike’s live chat is a SaaS software and can be integrated into any website by copy and pasting your unique code into your site. You can chat with a browser chat client from the Userlike dashboard, or from an IM client from your desktop or smartphone.
Userlike is a livechat software to chat with visitors of your website.
Through our chat window you can deliver a great customer service, sell actively, and add a human element to your website. Our software is easy to use, has a great design, and many functionalities. Free to use for other startups.Userlike is a livechat software to chat with visitors of your website.
A la suite de la période d'essai, les utilisateurs peuvent souscrire à l'un des plans suivants: