XZIMG Augmented Vision | Free | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes HTML5 | Yes alpha | Unity / Native | | | | | | Votes 3 | xzimg.com/... |
EasyAR | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes | Yes | Yes | | Yes | PC/Mac/Linux via Uniity3D | | | | | | Votes 2 | easyar.com |
ARmedia | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ARmedia supports PC/Mac and Linux | Yes | Yes | | No | | Votes 2 | inglobetechnologies.com |
HERE Mobile SDK | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes | Yes | Yes | | | | Yes | Yes | | | Yes HERE Maps, LiveSight API | Votes 2 | here.com/... |
Metaio SDK (now Apple inc) | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | PC/Mac | Yes | Yes | Yes Client-based +100 unique objects, cloud-based continuous visual search engine | Yes | Yes OpenGL support, in-house 3-D renderer | Votes 0 | metaio.com |
Robocortex | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes | Yes | Yes | | No | PC/Mac/Linux | | Yes | Yes | | | Votes 2 | robocortex.com |
Banuba Face FIlters SDK | Commercial SDK only | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | PC only | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Votes 2 | banuba.com/... |
Kudan AR Engine | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes With SLAM | Yes | Yes | No | Yes SLAM | Cros-platform development Unity3D | Yes | Yes | Yes unlimited local visual search (no network connection required) | - Extensible with FT/FR Plugins | | Votes 1 | kudan.io |
ARMES | Commercial SDK only | | Yes | Yes | | | PC | | | | | | Votes 0 | armes-tech.com |
Zenitum Feature Tracker | Commercial SDK only | | Yes | Yes | | | | Yes | | | | | Votes 2 | zenitum.com/... |
DroidAR | Free | | Yes | Yes | | Yes | | Yes | Yes | - can be added via opencv | No | Yes OpenGL or jMonkey Engine | Votes 1 | github.io/... |
flare* | Free + Commercial SDK option | | Yes | Yes | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | imagination.at/... |
osgART | Open Source | | Yes | Yes | | | | | | | | Yes | Votes 0 | osgart.org |
SSTT | Other | | Yes | Yes | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | technotecture.com/... |
windage | Other | | Yes | Yes | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | google.com/... |
Studierstube Tracker | | | Yes | Yes | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | tu-graz.ac.at/... |
Wikitude | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes 3D Tracking Included | Yes Advanced | Yes | | Yes | | Yes | Yes | Yes Cloud Recognition and Offline (on device) | - Face Detection | Yes with Wikitude Studio and Cloud Recognition | Votes 1 | wikitude.com |
Vuforia | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes | Yes Advanced + VUMark | Yes | No | Yes Only on box and cylinder and small size 3D objects too | | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes With Vuforia Cloud | Votes 9 | vuforia.com |
ARToolkit | Open Source | Yes | Yes Basic | Yes | | No | PC/Mac/Linux | | | | | | Votes 1 | artoolworks.com |
ARcrowd | Free | No | Yes Black / White | Yes | Yes HTML5 Browser | | | No | No | No | | | Votes 0 | arcrowd.com |
Vidinoti PixLive | Free + Commercial SDK option | | Yes Image, QR code | Yes | Yes | Yes Using Google Tango | | Yes & beacons | | Yes Cloud and offline recognition | | Yes PixLive Maker | Votes 0 | vidinoti.com |
MAXST AR SDK 4.1 | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes | Yes Marker / QR Code Tracker / QR/Barcode Reader | Yes | | Yes Visual SLAM, Object Tracker | Supports Windows & Mac Platform | No | Yes | Yes Cloud Recognition, Image Tracker | No | Yes OpenGL, Metal, SceneKit, MAXST Cloud Recognition | Votes 2 | maxst.com |
Xloudia | Commercial SDK only | Yes | Yes Markerless | Yes | Yes | Yes | PC/Mac/Linux via Unity3D | Yes Optionnally | Yes Optionnally | Yes | Yes but not for mobile | Yes REST | Votes 0 | xloudia.com |
Catchoom | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes | Yes Markerless | Yes | Yes | | PC/Mac/Linux | | | Yes Supports both cloud for very large collections and on-device search of hundreds of images (with no internet connection required) | | Yes | Votes 0 | catchoom.com |
HoloBuilder | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes | Yes QR codes | Yes | Yes (HTML 5 Browser) | Yes | PC/Mac/Linux (HTML 5 Browser) | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Votes 1 | holobuilder.com |
Obvious Engine | Commercial SDK only | Yes | | Yes | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | obviousengine.com |
IN2AR | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes | | Yes | Yes Flash-based, Unity3D | | PC/Mac via Adobe AIR | | | | | | Votes 1 | in2ar.com |
ARPA | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes | | Yes | | | via Unity plugin | Yes | | | Yes Soon | | Votes 0 | arpa-solutions.net/en |
LinceoVR | Commercial SDK only | | | Yes | | | | | | | | Yes | Votes 0 | seac02.it |
Aurasma | Free + Commercial SDK option | | | Yes | | | | | | Yes | | | Votes 0 | |
BazAR | Free + Commercial SDK option | | | Yes | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | epfl.ch/... |
Win AR | Free + Commercial SDK option | | | Yes | | | | | | | | Yes | Votes 0 | nus.edu.sg/... |
BeyondAR | Open Source | | | Yes | | | | Yes | Yes | | | | Votes 0 | beyondar.com/... |
String | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes | Yes | | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | poweredbystring.com |
NyARToolkit | Open Source | Yes | Yes | | | | PC | | | | | | Votes 0 | nyatla.jp/... |
Koozyt | Commercial SDK only | | Yes | | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | koozyt.com |
AndAR | Free | | Yes | | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | google.com/... |
Designers ARToolkit (DART) | Free | | Yes | | | | | | | | | Yes | Votes 0 | gatech.edu/... |
Augmented Pixels | Free + Commercial SDK option | | Yes | | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | augmentedpixels.com |
yvision | Free + Commercial SDK option | | Yes | | | | | | | | | Yes | Votes 1 | yvision.com |
ArUco | Open Source | | Yes | | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | www.uco.es/... |
FLARToolkit | Open Source | | Yes | | Yes | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | libspark.org/... |
Goblin XNA | Open Source | | Yes | | | | | | | | | Yes | Votes 0 | codeplex.com |
Minerva | Open Source | | Yes | | | | | | | | | Yes | Votes 0 | sourceforge.net/... |
MXR Toolkit | Open Source | | Yes | | | | PC | | | | | | Votes 0 | sourceforge.net |
SLARToolkit | Open Source | | Yes | | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | codeplex.com |
UART | Open Source | | Yes | | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | gatech.edu/... |
ARLab | Free + Commercial SDK option | | Yes QR code | | | | | Yes | Yes | Yes Support for thousands of images in pools of 50-60 images | Yes | | Votes 1 | arlab.com |
ALVAR | Free | | Yes Tracks multiple markers; 256 possible markers | | Yes Flash, Silverlight | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | virtual.vtt.fi/... |
Magic Face | Free + Commercial SDK option | Yes | | | Yes HTML5 WEBGL | Yes | PC/Mac/Linux | | | | Yes | Yes GLES, METAL, UNITY | Votes 3 | xzimg.com/... |
Luxand FaceSDK | Commercial SDK only | | | | | | | | | | Yes Facial recognition | | Votes 0 | luxand.com |
omniar.com | Commercial SDK only | | | | | | | | | Yes | | | Votes 0 | omniar.com |
Viewdle | Commercial SDK only | | | | | | | | | | Yes | | Votes 0 | viewdle.com |
xpose visual search | Commercial SDK only | | | | | | | | | Yes | | Yes via website or API | Votes 0 | buzzar.net/... |
HOPPALA | Free | | | | | | | | | | | Yes | Votes 0 | hoppala-agency.com |
DeepAR.ai | Free + Commercial SDK option | | | | Yes | | | | | | Yes | Yes | Votes 3 | deepar.ai |
Beyond Reality Face | Free + Commercial SDK option | | | | Yes Flash-based and HTML5/JS | | PC/Mac via Adobe AIR | | | | Yes | | Votes 1 | beyond-reality-face.com |
Awila | Free + Commercial SDK option | | | | | | | Yes | | | | Yes | Votes 0 | awila.co.uk |
instantreality | Free + Commercial SDK option | | | | | | | | | | Yes | | Votes 0 | instantreality.org |
PanicAR | Free + Commercial SDK option | | | | | | | Yes | Yes | | | | Votes 0 | dopanic.com/... |
LibreGeoSocial | Open Source | | | | | | | Yes | Yes | | | | Votes 0 | libregeosocial.org |
mixare | Open Source | | | | | | | Yes | | | | | Votes 0 | mixare.org |
PRAugmentedReality | Open Source | | | | No | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | github.com/... |
Studierstube | Open Source | | | | | | | | | | | Yes | Votes 0 | tugraz.at |
PTAM | Other | | | | | | PC | | | | | | Votes 0 | ox.ac.uk/... |
ARLab | | | | | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | arlab.com |
Cortexia | | | | | | | | | | Yes | | | Votes 0 | cortexica.com |
Google Goggles | | | | | | | | | | Yes | | | Votes 0 | google.com/... |
idee | | | | | | | | | | Yes | | | Votes 0 | ideeinc.com |
linkme | | | | | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | linkmemobile.com |
Microsoft Read/Write World | | | | | | | | | Yes | Yes | | | Votes 0 | cloudapp.net |
Morgan | | | | | | | | | | | | | Votes 0 | fraunhofer.de/... |
snaptell | | | | | | | | | | Yes | | | Votes 0 | snaptell.com |
User reviews and comments

Mann1ng on Oct. 14th 2020 4:42:05 PM 
ViriVR on Nov. 26th 2018 2:09:18 PM 
robert_gilles on Mar. 20th 2018 12:23:15 PM 
MarcusA on Dec. 18th 2017 9:05:21 PM 
mtillmann on Feb. 1st 2017 11:07:58 AM 
christina on Oct. 13th 2016 11:07:07 AM 
Anthony Liard on Sep. 1st 2016 11:31:48 PM suggested on String to set Name to String (discontinued) 
Eddie Offermann on Jul. 8th 2016 8:09:57 AM suggested on Vuforia to set Name to Vuforia 
jjgomezs on Apr. 12th 2016 7:25:18 PM suggested on HoloBuilder to set Android to yes 
jjgomezs on Apr. 12th 2016 7:25:07 PM suggested on HoloBuilder to set Android to yes 
Sanky on Apr. 2nd 2016 4:58:37 PM 
Txasti on Feb. 15th 2016 4:40:02 PM suggested on Vuforia to set Name to PTC Vuforia 
howard on Feb. 15th 2016 3:06:53 PM suggested on ARPA to set Name to ARPA [DISCONTINUED] 
jutzizu on Dec. 11th 2015 11:17:46 AM suggested on HoloBuilder to set Face tracking to no 
howard on Sep. 30th 2015 6:55:28 PM commented on Google Goggles 
howard on Sep. 30th 2015 6:55:06 PM suggested on Kudan AR Engine to set Name to Kudan Engine 
howard on Sep. 30th 2015 6:47:59 PM suggested on Kudan AR Engine to set Name to Kudan AR SDK 
andrea.lucent on Jul. 7th 2015 5:23:29 PM 
RA'pro on Jun. 4th 2015 2:13:57 PM suggested on Metaio SDK (now Apple inc) to set Name to Metaio SDK (now Apple inc) 
techprodi on Jan. 12th 2015 10:59:58 AM
see older commentsMany thanks for the informative matrix. I note you left out 8th Wall, which is one of the biggest names in WebAR platforms currently. Is that a deliberate omission, or something I can bring to the table?
Very informative article. Very accurately all marked. I am a big fan of augmented reality and virtual reality. My friends are game developers. I will not say in what studio they work. My friends and I go every weekend to virtual reality rooms. By the way, who will be in Melbourne, then go to virivr.com.au/. I advise everyone. And here's an interesting quote from Wikipedia: "Vuforia is an augmented reality software development kit (SDK) for mobile devices that enables the creation of augmented reality applications.[1] It uses computer vision technology to recognize and track planar images (Image Targets) and simple 3D objects, such as boxes, in real time. This image registration capability enables developers to position and orient virtual objects, such as 3D models and other media, in relation to real world images when they are viewed through the camera of a mobile device. The virtual object then tracks the position and orientation of the image in real-time so that the viewer's perspective on the object corresponds with the perspective on the Image Target. It thus appears that the virtual object is a part of the real-world scene. The Vuforia SDK supports a variety of 2D and 3D target types including ‘markerless’ Image Targets, 3D Multi-Target configurations, and a form of addressable Fiducial Marker, known as a VuMark. Additional features of the SDK include localized Occlusion Detection using ‘Virtual Buttons’, runtime image target selection, and the ability to create and reconfigure target sets programmatically at runtime. Vuforia provides Application Programming Interfaces (API) in C++, Java, Objective-C++ (a language utilizing a combination of C++ and Objective-C syntax), and the .NET languages through an extension to the Unity game engine. In this way, the SDK supports both native development for iOS and Android while it also enables the development of AR applications in Unity that are easily portable to both platforms. AR applications developed using Vuforia are therefore compatible with a broad range of mobile devices including the iPhone, iPad, and Android phones and tablets running Android OS version 2.2 or greater and an ARMv6 or 7 processor with FPU (Floating Point Unit) processing capabilities. Vuforia has been acquired by PTC Inc. in November 2015", source - wikipedia.org/... Good luck to all!
Thanks for a detailed comparison! It's becoming a trend to build AR applications. I've found an article listing tools to create AR mobile apps ddi-dev.com/... I think it can be useful for other developers here.
ARCore ? Also, column checking support for Android (and which versions of that and iOS)?
You may want to add the LiveSight API, for geolocated AR, which is part of the HERE Mobile SDK: here.com/...
Augment (www.augment.com) is going to launch their AR SDKs for omni-commerce.
Vuforia is sufficiently specific and the product is no longer owned or developed by Qualcomm.
Update: ARToolKit professional SDKs, previously only available under paid licenses, have been released to the open source community for free use
Website Gone
Project Aura
AugmentedKit SDK is not in the list. Can be found augmentedkit.com
Super outils