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History of VideoDesk

Last update 2020-10-23 16:48:47
Creation date 2013-03-06 14:07:55
  • Alexis on 2020-10-23 16:48:47
  • Alexis on 2020-10-23 16:42:07

    VideoDesk was a livechat service, to find an alternative:

    VideoDesk was a leading SaaS company that helps businesses bring the in-store human dimension into their online customer sales and support experience. This revolutionary technology, adopted by successful brands across the globe, uses live text and video chat, live video product demos, co-browse and document share, to help engage consumers and personalize the purchase path. All over the world, online shoppers appreciate and value the immediacy of live support (less than 15 seconds to reach an associate), and appreciate personalized face to face interaction when they are making a decision. For businesses, reduced cart abandonment rates, more frequent upselling opportunities and higher revenues are the principal advantages of the VideoDesk solution. Brands that understand the power of real time human interaction are trailblazing the online support experience with VideoDesk live chat.

  • Jvideodesk on 2015-10-13 17:01:39
  • Jvideodesk on 2015-10-13 17:01:19
  • Jvideodesk on 2015-10-13 17:00:36
  • Jvideodesk on 2015-10-13 17:00:03
  • Jvideodesk on 2015-09-29 15:52:33
    Kostenlose Testphase
    yes Essai pilote 15 jours
    Pricing plans
    Offre personnalisée : plateforme entièrement personnalisable avec options et fonctionnalités au choix
    Web-based Application
    yes Oui
    Native mobile application
    yes SDK pour support mobile
    Works for customers on mobile devices?
    yes Compatible tablettes et fonctionne sur tous les navigateurs mobiles.
    Chat statistics
    yes Statistiques de chat pour découvrir dans quelle mesure l’utilisation de VideoDesk a impacté vos ventes, vos taux de conversions, votre panier moyen et tous les autres indicateurs de votre choix + Intégration à Google Analytics
    yes Oui
    Multiple operators
    yes Oui
    Conversation transcripts
    yes Oui
    Offline messages
    yes Oui
    yes Oui (deux modes: prise de contrôle et surbrillance)
    Visual customization
    yes Interface de chat entièrement personnalisable (langues, texte, design...)
    Visitor details
    yes Localisation géographique, durée de navigation, pages visitées, page actuelle, parcours de navigation, visites précédentes, navigateur utilisé, version de Windows et de Flash, etc.
    Predefined responses
    yes Messages pré-enregistrés, paramétrables par l'administrateur
    International support
    yes Fenêtre de chat et interface conseiller disponible dans plusieurs langues: anglais, français, espagnol, portugais, allemand, japonais, chinois...
    Clickpath Tracker
    yes Temps de navigation, pages visitées, visites précédentes, parcours utilisateur.
    Transfer to another operator
    Custom extensions
    yes Plugins PrestaShop, WordPress et Drupal
    Proactive chat triggers
    yes Paramètres personnalisables pour ciblage clients
    Visitor Monitoring
    yes Nombre de visiteurs actifs sur le site
    Video chat
    yes Chat audio et video de haute qualité en WebRTC / Flash
    Remote screenshot
    no Non mais options de co-navigation, partage d'écran et partage de PDF et de vidéos.
  • Alexis on 2015-08-28 22:04:35
  • Jvideodesk on 2015-08-26 13:39:19

    VideoDesk is a leading SaaS company that helps businesses bring the in-store human dimension into their online customer sales and support experience. This revolutionary technology, adopted by successful brands across the globe, uses live text and video chat, live video product demos, co-browse and document share, to help engage consumers and personalize the purchase path. All over the world, online shoppers appreciate and value the immediacy of live support (less than 15 seconds to reach an associate), and appreciate personalized face to face interaction when they are making a decision. For businesses, reduced cart abandonment rates, more frequent upselling opportunities and higher revenues are the principal advantages of the VideoDesk solution. Brands that understand the power of real time human interaction are trailblazing the online support experience with VideoDesk live chat.

    IM (Google Talk, Jabber...) integration
    Desktop Applications
    Native mobile application
    no No native mobile app but mobile video chat SDK available for native Android app integration
    Works for customers on mobile devices?
    yes Mobile video chat SDK available. Works on most mobile and tablet devices
    yes Two modes available: control mode and highlight mode. See the exact pages your visitors are viewing and guide them personally around your website + highlight items of interest
    Visual customization
    yes Fully customizable interface: graphic design, texts, logo, action buttons
    Pricing plans
    • Customized quote: fully customized platform with choice of features and options.
    Chat statistics
    yes Detailed chat statistics, live monitoring, customer feedback reports + Google analytics integration.
    Offline messages
    yes Offline behavior options: Chat window hidden / Text message displayed / Message form displayed with email sent to agent of choice
    Visitor details
    yes Standard data: browsing times, current and past pages, number of previous calls, browser, OS platform, name, email, phone number, number of previous calls, geo-location + custom data with data API
    Predefined responses
    yes Canned messages gathered by language
    International support
    yes Multiple languages supported (English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese...)
    Clickpath Tracker
    yes Webuser path: number of pages visited, browsing time, navigation path
    Custom extensions
    yes Quick integration with PrestaShop, WordPress and Drupal, CRM integration...
    Proactive chat triggers
    yes Customizable rule-based chat triggers
    Visitor Monitoring
    yes Number of visitors displayed in real-time
    Remote screenshot
    no No but remote screen-share, co-browsing and content-share available
    yes Data flow API / UI API / Mobile chat SDK
    Video chat
    yes High quality WebRTC video chat with built-in Flash fallback. Call recording available.
  • Jvideodesk on 2015-07-01 11:45:21
    Pricing plans
    • Customized quote
    Kostenlose Testphase
    yes Pilot trial available
    Visitor Monitoring
    Clickpath Tracker
  • AmelM on 2013-10-16 15:22:31
    Pricing plans
    • STARTER: 10h discussion audio & video per month and unlimited text chat
    • BASIC (9,99$/€/month/operator) : Unlimited text conversations, 25 hours of audio and video, Chat history, Basic statistics
    • PRO (24,99$/€/month/operator) : Unlimited Chat, Audio & Video conversations; Video history, Detailed Statistics & Reports
    Kostenlose Testphase
    yes FREE PLAN with unlimited text chat forever and 10h of audio and video each month !
    Native mobile application
    no Coming soon
    Videodesk has developed the first face-to-face CRM on the web and provides the most competitive offer on the worldwide market. The solution enables any web visitor on a e-shop to start a video, audio or chat conversation with a sales representative directly on the online shop … as if they were in a physical store. With one click, in real-time and on-page we allow retailers to bring all their salesforce online. A new generation of CRM, human and directly on the web. - - - - Videodesk est une solution de live chat vidéo pour les e-commerçants désireux d'améliorer leur service de relation client sur le web et propose l'offre la plus compétitive du marché. Cette solution de live chat a pour vocation de réhumaniser les échanges sur le web entre les entreprises et les internautes en leur permettant de mettre un visage, un sourire ou encore une voix sur le nom de leur interlocuteur.
  • kevinOne on 2013-05-21 10:04:40
    Videodesk has developed the first face-to-face CRM on the web. The solution enables any web visitor on a e-shop to start a video, audio or chat conversation with a sales representative directly on the online shop … as if they were in a physical store. With one click, in real-time and on-page we allow retailers to bring all their salesforce online. A new generation of CRM, human and directly on the web.
  • kevinOne on 2013-05-21 09:46:49
    yes Currently in Beta
  • Vanina on 2013-03-18 09:14:30
    Pricing plans
    • Free Plan: 10h discussion/month
    • Small Plan (9,99$/month/operator) : Unlimited discussions, Chat history, Basic statistics
    • Medium Plan (49,99$/month/operator) : Chat, Audio & Video history, Detailed Statistics & Reports

    Videodesk has developed the first face-to-face CRM on the web. The solution enables any web visitor on a e-shop to start a video, audio or chat conversation with a sales representative directly on the online shop … as if they were in a physical store. With one click, in real-time and on-page we allow retailers to bring all their salesforce online. A new generation of CRM, human and directly on the web.

  • Vanina on 2013-03-18 09:09:13
    Pricing plans
    • Free Plan: 10h discussion/month
    • Small Plan (9,99$/month/operator) : Unlimited discussions, Chat history, Basic statistics
    • Medium Plan (49,99$/month/operator) : Chat, Audio & Video history, Detailed Statistics & Reports
  • Gui on 2013-03-06 14:19:25
    Pricing plans
    • Free Plan : 10h discussion/month
    • Small Plan (9,99$/month/operator) : Unlimited discussions, Chat history, Basic statistics
    • Medium Plan (49,99$/month/operator) : Chat, Audio & Video history, Detailed Statistics & Reports
    Launch date
    Web-based Application
    Desktop Applications
    yes Real-time availability app
    Native mobile application
    Works for customers on mobile devices?
    yes no video
    Chat statistics
    yes Unlimited in all plans
    Multiple operators
    Conversation transcripts
    Offline messages
    Visual customization
    yes All plans
    Visitor details
    Predefined responses
    International support
    Clickpath Tracker
    Custom extensions
    Video chat
  • Gui on 2013-03-06 14:07:55
    Videodesk has developed the FIRST face-to-face CRM on the web! The solution enables any web visitor on a e-shop to start a video, audio or chat conversation with a sales representative directly on the online shop … as if they were in a physical store! With ONE click, in real-time and on-page we allow retailers to bring all their salesforce online! A new generation of CRM, human and directly on the web.
    Kostenlose Testphase
    yes Free Plan up to 10h/discussion/month for ever
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