J'aime 8
This is the old release of Symfony PHP framework. Symfony2 is
the new release that should be used for new projects.
This is the old release of Symfony PHP framework. Symfony2 is
the new release that should be used for new projects.
Nom | Symfony |
Site web | |
Dernière version | 1.4.19 |
Date de sortie | 9 oct. 2012 |
First version | |
Licence | MIT |
Dépendances | >= PHP 5.2.4 |
Rétrocompatibilité | |
Package code | |
Fonctionnalités | |
Internationalisation I18N / L10n | XML (XLIFF) gettext database |
Génération de code | |
ORM | Doctrine 1.2, Propel 1.4 |
Type de cache | APC, EAccelerator, File, Memcache, SQLite, XCache |
Dependency injection container | |
Services | |
Systèmes de templates | PHP |
Web2.0 | |
Librairie de test | Lime (PHPUnit possible) |
Edge Side Includes | Non |
Génération de code | |
Générateur de couche modèle | |
Générateur de menu | |
Générateur de CRUD | |
Gestion de logs | |
User interface | |
Multiple databases | |
Sécurité | |
XSS | |
XSRF | |
SQL injection | |
Auth module | |
Lines of code | |
Number of files | |
Request serving time ms | |
Requests per second | |
Auth | |
Ressources | |
Site web | |
Tutoriel | |
Github / Bitbucket / Sourceforge | |
Commercial Support | Oui |
Projets importants qui l'utilisent | Yahoo! Answers: |
@symfony | |
Vos avis | |
GitHub Stars | |
StackOverflow | |
Simplicité | aucune note |
Avis utilisateurs et commentaires
Me parece uno de los mas completos, y sigue avanzando a pasos agigantados, se preocupan principalmente por la seguridad de las aplicaciones. Y con muy poco se hace mucho
I think it is a real framework and any plugin can be added to it even zend parts but zend is more like a library
I like the community and the tutorials