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With SignalZen Slack live chat, you will be able to chat with website visitors and deal with customer inquiries only by using Slack.

Convert website visits to sales - We are your Slack gateway for Live Chat

At Signal Zen we want to make the process of talking to your website's visitors as easy as possible even if it means to omit our original UI from the process.

This means that you can add a secondary channel to talk to your customers - Slack.

By following really easy setup wizard for integration with Slack on our Console while logged in, you can establish secure connection with Slack and talk to your customers without interaction with our default way of doing this in the administration Console.

Kostenlose TestphaseJa Free Trial: Up to 50 chats; Unlimited bandwidth; Limited support; Up to 1 subdomains; Up to 3 operators; Up to 1 month.
Pricing plans

Basic $10 per month(Unlimited chats, Unlimited bandwidth, Premium support, Up to 1 subdomains, Up to 5 operators, Ad free)

Pro $35 per month (Unlimited chats; All features; Unlimited bandwidth; Premium support; Up to 10 subdomains; Unlimited operators; Ad free; Saved Replies)

Business $55 per month (Unlimited chats, All features, Unlimited bandwidth, Premium support, Unlimited subdomains, Unlimited operators, Ad free, Saved Replies

Launch date
Web-based ApplicationJa Compatible with all up to date browsers.
IM (Google Talk, Jabber...) integrationJa Slack
Desktop Applications
Native mobile applicationJa iOS, Android
Works for customers on mobile devices?Ja Optimized for mobile devices
Chat statisticsJa Detailed chat Statistics
Multi-siteJa One account can be used in multiple websites
Multiple operatorsJa Unlimited for paid plans
Conversation transcriptsJa Yes, fully GDPR compliance
Offline messagesJa Full support of offline/online scenarios.
CobrowsingJa Supports screenshots sending
Visual customizationJa Colours, Positioning and more.
Visitor detailsJa All technically available data and metadata when using strong integration features.
Predefined responsesJa Yes, Saved replies feature
International supportJa Fully translatable Live Chat
Clickpath TrackerJa
Transfer to another operatorJa
Custom extensionsJa Main CMS like Wordpress etc. Also Zapier integration.
Proactive chat triggersJa Yes, Auto Invitations.
Visitor MonitoringJa Tracking of those who started a chat.
Video chatNein
Remote screenshotJa
Social Networks
Livechat & Chatbot
2021-10-27 16:22:00
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User reviews and comments

  • SignalZen on 2021-10-29 12:10:29
    like this

    Very good Slack live chat

  • Kvapų namai on 2021-10-27 19:55:18
    like this

    Very good live chat.

  • MildaJ on 2021-10-27 19:35:08
    like this

    New product on the market, but very much in line with expectations.