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Best Svelte UI Components Libraries


Svelte is a JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It is a relatively new framework that aims to provide a more lightweight and efficient alternative to frameworks like React and Angular.

One of the key features of Svelte is that it uses a compile-time approach to building user interfaces, which means that it converts your component code into highly optimized vanilla JavaScript at build time, rather than relying on runtime interpretation like many other frameworks. This can result in faster and more efficient performance, especially on lower-powered devices.

Svelte also has a library of UI components that you can use to build your application. These components are designed to be easy to use and customizable, and they can help you build interactive and responsive user interfaces quickly and efficiently. Some of the components that are included in the Svelte library include buttons, form elements, layout components, and more. You can also create your own custom components and reuse them throughout your application, or you can use one of the following Svelte UI component library.

Here is the Best Svelte UI components libraries comparison table. Do not hesitate to help to maintain this collaborative detailed comparison up-to-date.

Flowbite SvelteSvelteui.orgSTWUIAttractionsSkeletonSvelte Material UISVAR Svelte Core

Flowbite is an open-source library of over 400+ web components and interactive elements built with the utility classes from Tailwind CSS. Flowbite-Svelte is the official Flowbite library for Svelte. All interactivities are handled by Svelte.

Unlike other libraries, Flowbite focuses on a singular and opinionated design aesthetic. Flowbite is a general purpose library, which means it can be used within any framework, but also provides framework-specific variations like Flowbite Svelte. It’s relatively simple to tailor a Flowbite component to work within an existing Tailwind design system.

SvelteUI includes more than 50+ customizable components. All SvelteUI packages are built with TypeScript and support it by default.Opinionated yet customizable Svelte-TailwindCSS component library. Svelte-TailwindCSS UI (STWUI) is currently in pre-release. There has been a lot work already but a lot of work still needs to be done.A pretty cool UI kit for Svelte. 49 components and more to come.A fully featured UI Toolkit. Build reactive interfaces quickly using Svelte + Tailwind CSS. Skeleton is currently in beta. Expect breaking changes prior to v1.0. Skeleton is a UI library, featuring tight integration between Svelte and Tailwind CSS. In short, the library utilizes Tailwind’s utility class-based design system to quickly and easily customize and extend the look and feel of each component. Paired with Svelte’s powerful component architecture, Skeleton creates customized, responsive, and reactive interfaces for any size project.Material UI components for Svelte apps. Many SMUI components are based on Material Design Components for Web, by Google. It integrates these components using the "Advanced Approach", where the MDC Foundation does some business logic, and the SMUI component handles DOM updates and data binding.SVAR Svelte Core is an open-source UI library offering essential controls for building interactive and high-performance Svelte projects. It includes everything from simple elements like buttons, checkboxes, and radio buttons to more complex components like date pickers, combo boxes, select boxes, and popups.
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Mis à jour31 déc. 2022 12:10:0530 déc. 2022 22:25:2231 déc. 2022 12:11:0230 déc. 2022 22:41:1030 déc. 2022 22:41:1231 déc. 2022 00:30:5012 aoû. 2024 11:54:50
AppShell- Navbar, Sidebar, Footer components...Oui Responsive shell for your application with header, navbar, sidebar, and footerNonNonOui Responsive shell for controlling application layout.NonNon
ContainerNonOui Center content horizontally with predefined max-widthNonNonNonNonNon
CenterOui Centers content vertically and horizontallyNonNonNonNon
Dark Mode / LightswitchOuiNonNonNonOui Allows users to toggle between light and dark themes using Tailwind's dark mode feature.NonOui Comes with Light and Dark skins
FooterOui Use the footer section at the bottom of every page to show valuable information to your users, such as sitemap links, a copyright notice, and a logoOui AppShell componentNonNon- Bottom App Bar : should be used for mobile devices only.Non
GridNonOui Flexbox grid with variable amount of columnsOuiNonNonOuiNon
GroupNonOui Compose elements and components in a horizontal flex containerNonNonNonNonNon
MediaQueryNonOui Apply styles to children if media query matchesNonNonNonNon
NavbarOui The navbar component can be used to show a list of navigation links positioned on the top side of your page based on multiple layouts, sizes, and dropdowns (Navbar with search, CTA button...Sticky navbar)Oui AppShell componentNonOui App Bar : A header element for the top of your page layout. Pairs well with the App Shell.Oui Top App BarNon
SimpleGridNonOui Responsive grid where each item takes equal amount of spaceNonNonNonNon
SidebarOui Use the sidebar component to show a list of menu items and multi-level dropdown items on either side of the page to navigate on your website (with content separator, add a CTA button, show logo...)Oui AppShell componentNonNonOui App Rail : A side navigation rail componentNonOui Side area component sliding out on button click
SpaceNonOui Add horizontal or vertical spacing from themeNonNonNonNonNon
StackNonOui Compose elements and components in vertical flex containerNonNonNonNonNon
AnchorOui The link component can be used to set hyperlinks from one page to another or to an external website when clicking on an inline text item, button, or cardOui Display links with theme stylesNonNonNonNon
BreadcrumbsOui Show the location of the current page in a hierarchical structure using the breadcrumb componentsNonOuiOui Breadcrumbs are used to indicate the current page's location in the navigation hierarchy, as well as to navigate through it.Oui Displays the current navigation hierarchy.NonNon
BurgerNonOui The Burger component renders an open/close menu button.Oui SwapNonNonNonNon
Drawer (or Off-canvas)Oui The Drawer component can be used as a hidden off-canvas sidebar for navigation and to show other information based on multiple styles and placementsNonOuiNonOui Displays an overlay panel that attaches to any side of the screen.OuiNon
PaginationOui Use the Tailwind CSS pagination element to indicate a series of content across various pagesNon- This component is still a work in progress and is subject to change.OuiOui Navigate between multiple pages of content.NonOui
SeoNonOui Manage your SEO informationNonNonNonNonNon
TabsOui Use these responsive tabs components to create a secondary navigational hierarchy for your website or toggle content inside a container (Tabs with underline, with icons...)Oui Display links with theme stylesOuiOuiOui Use tabs to quickly switch between different views.OuiOui
Data Display
AccordionOui Use the accordion component to show hidden information based on the collapse and expand state of the child elements using data attribute optionsNonOuiOui A controller for multiple collapsible elements, allowing either one open panel at a time or infinite.Oui Divide content into collapsible sections.OuiNon
AvatarOui Use the avatar component to show a visual representation of a user profile using an image element or SVG object based on multiple styles and sizesNonOui and AvatarGroupNonOui Display user avatars with an image or initials.NonNon
BadgeOui Use Tailwind CSS badges as elements to show counts or labels separately or inside other componentsOuiOuiOui A distinctive colored circle to bring attention to an element.NonOui square badge, custom color...Non
CardOui Get started with a large variety of Tailwind CSS card examples for your web projectNonOuiOui A surface that stands out.NonOui with media, with actions, with a list...Non
CarouselOui Use the carousel component to slide through multiple elements and images using custom controls, indicators, intervals, and optionsNonOuiNonNonNonNon
Conic GradientsNonNonNonNonOui Create conic gradient data visualizations for pie charts, loading spinners, and more.NonNon
DotNonNonNonOui A colorful dot to signal about all your important events.NonNon
DividerNonOui Horizontal line with optional label or vertical divider, with label...OuiOui A thin horizontal line used to separate sections and group content, with optional text to display in the middle.Oui Horizontal or vertical rules for sectioning your content.NonNon
DropdownOui to show a list of menu items when clicking on the trigger element based on multiple layouts, styles, and placementsNonOuiOui Toggleable, contextual overlays for displaying additional details or actions.NonNonOui
ImageOui The image component can be used to embed images inside the web page in articles and sections based on multiple styles, sizes, layouts and hover animations (image effects...)Oui Image with optional placeholder for loading and error state, BackgroundImage, radius...NonNonOuiNon
Image Lists / GalleryNonNonNonOui available : Masonry, with rounded shapesNon
KbdOui Use the KBD component as an inline element to denote textual user input from the keyboard inside paragraphs, tables, and other componentsOui Display keyboard button or keys combinationNonNonNonNonNon
List GroupOui Use the list group component to display a series of items, buttons or links inside a single element, with links, with icons...NonOuiNonOuiOuiNon
PopoverOui Use the popover component to show detailed information inside a pop-up box relative to the element that is being clicked or hovered based on multiple styles (Image popover, progress popover...)NonNonOui Extra content revealed on hover or focus within.NonNonNon
RatingOui Use the rating component to show reviews and testimonials from your users using stars and scores based on multiple styles and sizesNonOuiOui An input element used for rating with a number of stars.NonNonNon
TableOui Use the table component to show text, images, links, and other elements inside a structured set of data made up of rows and columns of table cells (Checkboxes, search input, table foot, table caption, colors..)Non- This component is still a work in progress and is subject to change.OuiOui Utilize a data-driven model to create simple presentational tables. A set of utility features for creating template-driven data tables.Oui Progress indicator, Sticky header, Row selection, Pagination, Sortable...Oui the ability to use SVAR DataGrid component (paid)
ThemeIconOui You can uses Svelte-Heros-v2 and other icon sets for Flowbite-Svelte. Svelte-Heros-v2 icons allow you to change the icon color, size, and other props.Oui Render icon inside element with theme colorsNonNonNonNon
TimelineOui Get started with the responsive timeline component to show data in a chronological order with support for multiple styles, sizes, and variants (vertical timeline, horizontal timeline, activity log...)Oui Display list of events in chronological orderOui Steps, TimelineNonOui Steppers: Divide and present content in sequenced steps. This Step component uses the locked property, which can prevent progress.NonNon
TypographyOui Use the typography and the utility classes from Tailwind CSS to style text with FlowBiteOui Display text and links with theme styles or gradientOuiOuiOui Gradient HeadingsOuiNon
VideoOui Use the video component to configure an embedded video player using native HTML 5 functionality based on the utility classes from Tailwind CSS (responsive, autoplay, custom styles: rounded corners...)NonNonNonNonNonNon
Inputs & Actions
AutocompleteNonOuiOui A text field suggesting options to select.NonOuiOui
ButtonOui Use the button component inside forms, as links, social login, payment options with support for multiple styles, colors, sizes, gradients, and shadowsOuiOuiOui A clickable entity for all your controlling and linking needs. Comes in three flavours: filled, outline and flat.NonOui Floating Action Button, Icon Button, Segmented Button...Oui
Button GroupOui Button groups are a Tailwind CSS powered set of buttons sticked together in a horizontal lineOuiNonOuiOui
CheckboxOui The checkbox component can be used to receive one or more selected options from the user in the form of a square box available in multiple styles, sizes, colors, and variants coded with the utility classes from Tailwind CSS and with support for dark mode. (checkbox with a link, helper text, colors...)Oui Custom icon, Indeterminate checkbox, 5 predefined sizes...OuiOui Make the checkbox round (and slightly larger).NonOuiOui
CheckboxGroupOui Vertical or Horizontal list group, advanced layout...OuiOuiOui A group of checkboxes from an array of items to select.NonOuiOui
ChipOui Pick one or multiple values (States, ChipGroup)OuiOui Tiny piece of additional information.NonOuiNon
FileDropzoneOuiNonNonOui A large, prominent area for uploading files either by clicking or by dragging them into the area.Oui Allow upload of files with drag and drop.NonOui
FileInputOui The file input component can be used to upload one or more files from the device storage of the user available in multiple sizes, styles, variants and support for dark mode. (Multiple files, Helper text...)NonNonOui A regular file input matching the theme of the kit. Comes with buttons to select and deselect files.Oui FileButton : Allows you to select files with a single click.NonOui
Floating LabelOui Use the floating label style for the input field elements to replicate the Material UI design system from Google and choose from multiple styles and sizesNonNonNonNonNonNon
FormFieldOui A responsive form field skeleton – providing a way to label and describe the field. Note that this component doesn't add any form handling capabilities; it is merely presentational.NonOui
InputOui Input element with iconOui render an icon, TextInput...OuiNonOui
InputWrapperOui InputWrapper is used to wrap all SvelteUI inputsNonNon
ListboxesOui Interactive listboxes that maintain selection state.NonNon
NumberInputOuiOui Number input with optional controlsOuiNonNonNonNon
Radio ButtonOui to let the user choose a single option from multiple options in the form of a circle based on multiple styles and colorsOuiNonNonOuiOui
RadioGroupOuiOuiOuiOui Capture feedback limited to a small set of options.Oui
RangeOui to receive a number from the user anywhere from 1 to 100 by sliding form control horizontally based on multiple optionsNonOui An slider for selecting a value or a range.Oui Capture input from a range of values, including optional ticks.OuiOui A slider for selecting numbers
Search InputOui Use the search input component as a text field to allow users to enter search queries and receive relevant page results available in multiple styles and sizesNonNonNonNon
SelectOui to allow the user to choose from one or more options from a dropdown list based on multiple styles, sizes, and variantsOui NativeSelect : Capture user feedback limited to large set of optionsOuiNonNonOuiOui
Speed DialOui The speed dial component can be used as a quick way to show a list of action buttons to a user when hovering or clicking on the main trigger element.NonNonNonNonNonNon
Slider- see Range componentNonOui Step and Show StepOui An slider for selecting a value or a range.NonOuiOui
Switch ToggleOui Use the toggle component to switch between a binary state of true or false using a single click available in multiple sizes, variants, and colorsOui Capture boolean input from user, Inner labels and SizeOuiOuiOui A sliding toggle element that can capture input from a user.OuiOui
TextareaOuiNon- beta versionNonNonNonNon
TextInputOuiOui Text input with descriptions, with icon, right section...OuiNonOuiOui
UnstyledButtonOui Render button with no theme colorsOui
DatePicker- experimental component and only works with SvelteKit.NonOuiOui A date picker that supports both text input and a dropdown calendar.NonNonOui
TimePickerNonNonNonOui A time picker that supports both the text input and a dropdown with buttons.NonNonOui
CalendrierNon- coming soonNonOui A calendar component representing a month with selectable days.NonNonOui
AlertOui Show contextual information to your users using alert elements based on Tailwind CSSOui Attract user attention with an important messageOuiNonOui Display customizable alerts to garner attention and provide critical actions.NonOui
LoadingNonOui Indicate loading stateNonOuiNonNonNon
Notification / ToastsOui Push notifications to your users using the toast component and choose from multiple sizes, colors, styles, and positionsOui Attract user attention with an important message (with icon...)OuiNonOui Simple notifications utilizing a dynamic queue system.NonOui
SnackbarNonNonNonOui A small snackbar to display status messages.NonOuiNon
SnackbarContainerNonNonNonOui The wrapper element creating a context to show snackbars.NonNon
Linear ProgressOui Use the progress bar component to show the completion rate of a data indicator or use it as a loader element (with label inside, outside...colors...)Oui Give user feedback for status of the taskOuiNonOui An indicator showing the progress or completion of a task.OuiNon
Progress Radials / Circular ProgressNonNonOuiNonOui Displays a radial indicator showing the progress or completion of a task.Oui Circular ProgressNon
SkeletonOui The skeleton component can be used as an alternative loading indicator to the spinner by mimicking the content that will be loaded such as text, images, or videoOui Indicate content loading stateNonNonNonNonNon
SpinnerOui Use the spinner component as a loader indicator in your projects when fetching data based on an animated SVGNonNonNonNonNonNon
Affix- Sticky navbarOui Render Svelte component inside portal at fixed positionNonNonNonNon
MenuOui Use the mega menu component as a full-width dropdown inside the navbar to show a list of menu items based on multiple sizes, variants, and styles. (with icons, images...)Oui Combine a list of secondary actions into single interactive area, icon, hover...OuiNonOui Provides quick context menus when you tap the trigger element.Oui and Menu SurfaceNon
ModalOui Use the modal component to show interactive dialogs and notifications to your website users available in multiple sizes, colors, and stylesOui Modal with optional headerOuiOui An overlay allowing any modal content to appear on the screen prominently. Works well with the Dialog component.Oui High priority dialogs and modals using a dynamic queue system.OuiOui
DialogOuiOuiOuiOui A modal window that informs users about a task and can contain critical information or require actions.Oui High priority dialogs and modals using a dynamic queue system.OuiOui
OverlayNonOui Overlays given element with div element with any color and opacityNonNonNonNonOui
TooltipOui Use the following Tailwind CSS powered tooltips to show extra content when hovering or focusing on an element (Tooltip arrow, colors...)Oui Renders tooltip at given element on mouse over or any other event (Tooltip arrow...)OuiNonOui Informative tooltips that render on mouse over.OuiNon
Code blocksOui Prism : Code highlight with SvelteUI theme colors and stylesNonOui Displays pre-formatted source code, with optional support for Highlight.js syntax highlighting.NonNon
ColorsOui Choose your primary color in tailwind.config.cjs fileNonNonNonNonNon
Close ButtonOui The CloseButton components are used throughout the library and you can use it for your app as wellNonNonNonNonNonNon
LabelOui The Label components are used throughout the library and you can use it for your app as wellNonNonNonOui "Common" componentNon
Local Storage StoreNonNonOui An extended version of the Svelte writable store that includes pub/sub to local storage.NonNon
ToolbarOui Use the following Tailwind CSS powered toolbars to show groups of tool buttonsNonNonNonNonNon
Svelte Actions / Hooks Library
use-moveNonOui Handles the movement of an element based on mouse and touch eventsNonNonNonNonNon
use-clipboardNonOui Copies text to the clipboard when DOM element is clickedOuiNonOui Allows you to quickly copy select data to the clipboard.NonNon
use-focus-trapNonOui Traps the focus inside the given DOM nodeNonNonOui Allows you to contain focus within elements on-demand.NonNon
Image FiltersNonNonNonNonOui Applies a set of unique SVG filters. Best used with images, but also available to select components, such as Avatars.NonNon
Best Svelte UI components libraries comparison table
12 aoû. 2024 11:55:13
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