Logiciels pour réunion et prise de contrôle à distance, web conference via Internet
J'aime 1
Compare NetMeeting vs LogMeIn vs TeamViewer vs Netviewer GoToAssist
vs Netviewer GoToMeeting vs JoinMe vs ScreenLeap vs Vyew vs Adobe
connect vs WebEx... PMAD, = Prise de Main A Distance, remote
control, remote desktop,
Avis utilisateurs et commentaires

johdrid le 28 aoû. 2020 11:39:01 
Brandon Soo le 28 mar. 2020 15:48:50 suggère de modifier zoom en mettant la valeur de Nom à Zoom 
LabInno le 10 mar. 2020 15:59:26 a noté FreeNX: Note globale 1/5 
Matthias le 20 déc. 2019 15:35:32 a commenté Vectera 
Kanai Adhikary le 7 déc. 2016 08:28:21 a commenté GoTo 
Daniel Vivas le 24 nov. 2016 17:36:25 a commenté Cendio ThinLinc 
nathansnaps le 4 fév. 2016 19:09:37 suggère de modifier Netviewer GoToAssist en mettant la valeur de Nom à GoToAssist 
nathansnaps le 4 fév. 2016 19:08:54 suggère de modifier Netviewer GoToAssist en mettant la valeur de Nom à GoToAssist 
Robert Brown le 30 oct. 2015 10:04:30 
Fazilnlend le 23 fév. 2014 12:23:37 a noté Skype: Fiabilité 4/5 
Aliasgar Babat le 16 oct. 2013 08:05:18 
Pascal Van Opzeeland le 7 oct. 2013 17:33:30 a noté dozeo: Note globale 5/5 
Alex Ka le 2 aoû. 2013 14:12:46 a noté dozeo: Note globale 5/5 
Alex Ka le 2 aoû. 2013 14:11:40 suggère de modifier dozeo en mettant la valeur de Applications bureau (desktop) à yes 
Alex Ka le 2 aoû. 2013 14:11:33 suggère de modifier dozeo en mettant la valeur de Version executable à yes 
Yannick Frank le 2 aoû. 2013 14:10:30 a noté dozeo: Note globale 5/5 
Fabienne Ro le 6 aoû. 2012 11:45:32 a noté Skype: Fiabilité 4/5 
flexjoly le 9 jan. 2012 23:28:56 a noté Skype: Fiabilité 1/5 
Alaa Eddine le 6 jan. 2012 21:53:28 a noté Skype: Fiabilité 1/5
Seralo le 13 sep. 2011 08:58:46 a noté Skype: Fiabilité 5/5
voir les commentaires plus anciensI think the zoom app will be the best and pretty amazing to connect people for meetings bing it a big or small business.you can make more effective video calls anywhere in the world with zoom.com reliable fast and easy
Vectera is a great tool for one-on-one meetings or small group meetings. You can use the scheduling feature to integrate your calendar and let clients book meetings. The meeting rooms offer videochat, coöperation on whiteboards and documents, screenshare, cobrowsing, recording, ...
Yeah, GoToMeeting is solid, no doubt about that. However, R-HUB web conferencing servers is my preference now because it lets you brand your conferences however you want.
That´s the good one! Check out AEROADMIN, this is the easiest tool for that. No installation, no registration, no configuration.
Hey, you forgot to compare R-HUB web conferencing and remote support servers. For detailed comparison, please visit rhubcom.com/...
Another alternative is GoSupportNow remote support tool. It is easy to use and best part is, it has no download of any kind.
it works like a charm
Online meetings finally made awesome!
too much crashes and trouble with bluetooth headset