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Fournisseurs d'emailing transactionnel


Comparatif des fournisseurs d'emailing transactionnel

Un email transactionnel ("messages de services") est un email très attendu par l'internaute car son envoi se déclenche automatiquement à la suite d’une transaction, un évènement bien précis. Les exemples classiques sont: ouverture de compte et message de bienvenue, confirmation d'expédition d'une commande, suivi/statut d'envoi d'une commande, inscription via un formulaire de contacts, clôture de compte, confirmation de paiement, envoi de facture...

On comprend donc pourquoi ce type de message est particulièrement utile pour l'e-commerce, boutique en ligne... C'est une étape cruciale dans la relation client et ce dernier serait très contrarié de ne pas recevoir son email tant attendu...

C'est pourquoi il faut gérer ce type d'emails avec le plus d'attention possible, ce ne sont pas du tout des envois en masse ou du marketing comme les newsletters par exemple. Il faut donc bien choisir son fournisseur d'emailing transactionnel.

BrevoActiveTrailSendGridSendPulseAmazon SESMailjetPepipostturboSMTPMailgunSarv TESDoppler RelayInboxRoadMandrillElastic EmailTipimailSMTP.comSocketLabsPostmarkAuthMailerLeadersendSparkPostMail250
Prix0,18 $ à $0.65 par mille8 € par mois et emails illimités0,45 $ - $2.00 par mille8,85 $0,1 $ par mille + prix de la bande passante (+$0.12/GB pour les fichiers attachés)6,63 € / mois (basic) ou 12,46€ / mois (premium)15 $ per month0,8 $ to $1.40 USD par mille0,1 $ to 1.00 par mille0,075 $ to 0.013 USD per thousand0,14 $ to 0.69 per thousand59 € a month10 $ for cheapest MailChimp account + $20 per month minimum charge0,08 $ to $1.00 USD par mille39 € à 279€ / mois selon la grille tarifaire :,3 $ - $2.50 par mille0,2 $ to $0.69 per thousand1,5 $ par mille0,13 $ to $0.83 per thousand0,1 $ to $0.20 per 10000,2 $ to $0.15 per thousand, depending on volume20 $ (Send 24k/ Day) $50 (Send 60k/ Day) $150 (Send 120k /Day)
Offre gratuite9,000 emails par mois, max 300 par jour pendant la période d'essai. Ensuite abonnement requis, même si votre volume est en dessous de 9000 par mois.30 jours d'essai gratuit pour tester l'intégralité des fonctionnalités (sans engagement)200 emails/jour15 000 e-mails to send for free every month2,000 emails/jour pour les clients EC26.000 emails/mois, max 200/24h30k Emails Free For First 30 Days Then 100/Day Foreverjusqu'à 1000 emails gratuits disponibles sur demande200 emails par jourFree TrialFree Demo, unlimited emails 7 daysYesMandrill is a paid add-on for any Mailchimp Monthly Plan : no free planLes premiers 1000 emails10.000 emails gratuits par mois & 1000 envois/jourremboursement dans les 30 jours500 emails par mois1,000 emails, sans limite de temps30 days money back6,000 emails per month (special offers for startups)100 emails per dayYes, 10K emails free
Startups plan5 000 contacts, 50 000 emails, automations, formulaires d’inscription et pop-ups, landing pages, sondages et bien plus… à votre disposition pendant 6 mois !, Inboxroad creates a personalized warm-up schedule-Free - 20,000 emails per monthYes
Conditions d'annulationsans aucun engagementAnnulation à tout moment, sans engagementAnnuler à tout moment, sans engagementAnytime by request. No questions askedPay for what you send; no required contract or commitments.Possibilité d'annuler à tout moment, sans engagementCancel any time, no contract.Annuler à tout moment, sans engagementAnnuler à tout moment, aucun contratAny Time & Pay as you Go Plan AvailableCancel at any timeCancellation is possible on a monthly baseCancel at any time, no contractAnnuler à tout moment, sans engagementSans engagement, annulable à tout momentCancel any time, no contractAnnuler à tout moment, aucun contratCancellation must be issued via the Service. Any cancellation issued must be done three (3) days prior to the end of the contract term.Cancel any time, no contractCancel any time, no contract, month-to-monthCancel any time, no contract
Abonnement gratuit et illimitéAll paid accounts come with the unlimited number of messages to send6,000 emails gratuits/mois 200/jour-10.000 email gratuits par mois !You can upload unlimited contacts.
Support SMTPOuiNonOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOui 24/7 Multilanguage SupportOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOui Globally redundant SMTP and API infrastructureOuiOuiOuiOui
DKIM personnalisables gratuitement (plus de "au nom de")OuiOuiOui Upgrade to a Silver plan or higher to get personalized DKIMOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOui
Détails des clics (par lien, etc.)OuiOuiOui Via real-time Event API webhookOuiOuiOuiOui Reporting available both through Control Panel and APIOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOui Via HEMS PackageOui Real-time via webhook APIOuiOui Through webhooks real-time event reporting.Oui
Personnalisation conditionnelle (if/else)OuiOuiOui- Oui c'est possible mais pas via l'outil de création de newsletterOuiOuiOui By Using API ref: Via HEMS PackageOuiOuiOui
Editeur WYSIWYG de newsletterOui Disponible gratuitement pour tous les plansOui- +$0,25 per thousand, in addition to monthly packageOuiNonOui Disponible gratuitement, pour tous les plans (le plan gratuit inclus)NonNonOui Only in Marketing Platform-NonOuiOuiOui Via HEMS PackageOuiNonOui- only with "Elite for Marketers" planOui
IP dédiée disponibleOui Abonnement "Or" ou supérieurOuiOuiOuiNon $25 per month for EC2 usersOui With our Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond Plans, you can ask for a Dedicated IP address.OuiOui Gold or higher planOui $59 per monthOui $20 per monthOuiOuiOui $29 per monthOuiOuiOuiOuiNon Shared IPs. They believe shared IPs are preferable to dedicated.OuiOuiOuiOui
REST APIOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOui
Event APIOuiOuiOui Oui pour les plans Silver ou supérieur (et le plan gratuit aussi)Oui you can set up Amazon SES to publish email sending events to Amazon CloudWatch or Amazon KinesisOui Event API disponible en temps réel sur tous les plansOui via webhooksOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOui Notification APIOuiOuiOui Via WebhooksOui
Envoi d'email par APIOuiOuiOuiOuiOui pas d'autre choixOui Avec un HTTP call Includes advanced merging and customization capabilities as well as ability to merge to templates created in the SocketLabs Control Panel.OuiOuiOuiOui
Incoming Email SupportOuiOuiOui Parse inbound email, including attachments and content. See for webhook examples. Supported by Griddler: Using the Parse API you can get the content of an incomming email POSTed by HTTP on a server : Parse emails, including attachements and quoted text. Easily forward using different expression matches, including regex, and POST to HTTP. Supported by Griddler: Parses inbound, can be handled by griddler: Parses inbound mail streams into JSON messages and posts that data to a predefined endpoint. Handles inbound, can be parsed by griddler: Only Backup MXNonOuiNon
Stores Outgoing Emails for Later ViewingOuiNonOuiNonOuiOui May be an additional charge.OuiOui Stores for 45 DaysOui
Explicit/sexual content policy ?NonNon not allowedNon not allowedNon
Needs time to approve account before sending ?Account is ready for use immediatelyYesYes. 12 to 24 hoursNoNo.No. Domain approval is not required.
Asks to create SPF and DKIM recordsOui possible mais pas obligatoireOui DKIM/SPF can be used, but not mandatoryOuiOui We will create SPF & DKIM records for your sending domainsOuiOuiOui Optional
LanguesAnglais, Français, Espagnol, Portugais, Italien, AllemandFrancais, Anglais, Espagnol, AllemandAnglaisEnglish, Portuguese, RussianAnglais, Français, Allemand, Japonais, EspagnolAnglais, Français, Allemand, EspagnolEnglishAnglais, Espagnol, Français, Italien, PortuguaisAnglais, Français, RusseEnglish, Hindi, PunjabiSpanish, EnglishEnglish, Dutch, GermanAnglaisAnglaisFrançais, EnglishEnglish, Spanish, French, Russian, Arabic, IndianAnglaisAnglaisEnglishEnglishEnglishEnglish
Login multi-utilisateursOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiNonOuiOuiOuiNonOuiOui
Priorité emailsOuiOuiOuiOui Email Priority Management is handled on Mailjet with X-Mailjet email headers : Add preferred time of delivery which can prioritize or schedule for later.OuiOuiOui Use the important option (API) or X-MC-Important (SMTP) to flag important messages and give them priority over other messages you're currently sending. via multiple serversOuiNon
PluginsOui PrestaShop, WordPress, Magento, Drupal, Zapier, SalesforceOui Prestashop, Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, Zapier, Salesforce, Facebook Leads, Contact Form 7Oui Wordpress, Magento, AmoCRM, Bitrix24, WooCommerce, TypeForm, Zapier, CreateFormOui Prestashop, Wordpress, Dotclear, SPIP, Joomla, DrupalOui Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, Magento, MailWizz, ZapierOui La plupart des langages et frameworksOui Client Library available on GithubOuiOuiOui La plupart des langages, frameworks et plateformesOui Wordpress and Joomla plugins available.Oui Prestashop, Magento, WordPress, Drupal,OuiOui samples available in github repoOui Bitrix, Zapier, MailigenOui Node, PHP, Python & More, see http://developer.sparkpost.comOui WordPress
Support 24/7Oui M-FOui Support par téléphone, Live Chat et e-mail en Français / Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn- seulement pour les incidents critiquesOui Online + phone, 24x7 all the timeOui Basic: Included, Developer: $49/month, Business & Enterprise prorated.Oui Disponible sur 3 fuseaux horaires différents 24h/24Oui Live Chat and 24x7 email supportOui Live Chat, Tickets, Phone, Skype- Pour les plans prosOui Phone, Live Chat and Email SupportOui Phone, Live Chat, Email SupportOui Live Chat (Skype and Website), Email and PhoneOuiOui Support mail - téléphoneOui 24/7/365 Via Phone, Email or chatOui Après les horaires de bureaux pour les incidents critiquesOui Support by email around the clock. Live chat.Oui 24/7 Email Support. Online form submission. No Phone Support.- Online form submissionOuiOui
Equipe de support dédiéeOuiOuiOuiOui Dedicated for VIP accountsOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOui Personal Account ManagerOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOui
Support par téléphoneOuiOuiOui Pendant les horaires de bureaux pour tous les plansOui 24x7 for all accounts- Available with paid support plan- Disponibles pour les clients VIP- Limited to high volume sendersOui 24/7- For First-class plansOuiOuiOui During regular business hours for every customerNonOuiOui 24/7 for all clientsOui Pendant les horaires de bureaux pour tous les plansNonNonOuiOui-
Références clientsBMW, Fleury Michon, Sodebo, Leroy Merlin, Cora, etcHilton, AVIS, Lufthansa, VISA, WIX, Continental Airlines, Crocs, Secours Populaire Français, Sorbonne Université, Pavillon France, Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires Étrangères, Gallimard, SyntilorSpotify, Foursquare, Pandora, Hootsuite, Uber, Kickstarter, Air BnB, GitHubLOT, Aeroflot, RadissonBlue, SwatchSIEMENS, HBO, Vodafone, AllerganTAG Hauer, MIT, Fotolia, TheFancy, Jolicloud, Readability, Sketchfab, Prestashop, Amnesty International...Shine, Cleartrip, Arcamax, White Plum, SeekAsia, Traveloka, TokopediaGithub, Heroku, Uservoice, Stripe, 37 Signals, Parse, Adroll, PagerdutyIBM, HP, Adobe, Idea, HCL, Reliance, IndiaMartTravelBird, OngageRiddox, Vuelio, Vonage, Quicko, Poptin, Swiftqueue, ClikaduIntuit, IBM, ADP, Crutchfield, Warner Bros, Red Cross, Virgin, Panera Bread, Penn State UniversityIKEA, Minecraft, Livestream, Unicef, Litmus, Salesforce-DeskPinterest, Zillow, Financial Times of London, Career BuilderDLF, Vodafone, etc
Compare les solutions d'envoi d'email transactionnel: Tipimail vs ActiveTrail vs Amazon SES vs CritSend vs Elastic Email vs JangoSMTP vs Mailchimp STS vs Mandrill vs Mailgun vs Mailjet vs PostageApp vs PostMark vs Sendgrid vs SocketLabs vs turboSMTP
Vanina Communauté
28 mai 2024 11:40:26
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Avis utilisateurs et commentaires

  • Buy Bulk Email Server le 9 mai 2024 05:44:46

    Compare as SMTPGet provides seamless integration with various platforms, offering a straightforward way to send transactional emails via SMTP directly from your application.

  • Mallika Farooqui le 25 mar. 2020 11:52:54

    Hi Vanina, Thanks for this comparison chart! Can you please include Mail250 in this comparison table too? url:

  • RajS le 24 jan. 2020 13:52:02
    a commenté InboxRoad

    after 2 months I can say I wish we started with them years ago.

  • Sam le 11 jul. 2019 11:38:40
    suggère de modifier InboxRoad en mettant la valeur de Nom à Inboxroad
  • Sam le 11 jul. 2019 11:38:09
    suggère de modifier InboxRoad en mettant la valeur de Nom à Inboxroad
  • Sam le 11 jul. 2019 11:27:52
    suggère de modifier InboxRoad en mettant la valeur de Nom à Inboxroad
  • edouardr le 8 avr. 2019 13:20:00

    I've personally been using Mailjet. Good interface for both transac & marketing email. Bought it on to save money!

  • Jenny le 18 déc. 2018 09:26:09

    Nice sheet, Vanina. Could you please add Pepipost to this comparison sheet: pepipost-4odu2rou To give you a brief, Pepipost is an AI powered email delivery platform who not only gives a high inbox deliverability. But also reward the good senders by not charging them anything for the opened emails.

  • Mallika le 30 jul. 2018 13:47:14

    Hi Vanina, Thanks for this comparison chart! Can you please include SwipePost in this comparison table too? url: SwipePost is the world's only ESP that gives 200,000 emails /month for free of cost. SwipePost is one of the Fastest Growing Email Delivery Service. Thanks

  • vmoses77 le 29 jun. 2018 02:02:59

    The email provides us with the system of mail jet and send grid which is some important technical features in the market these days, I took the support of AOL tech Support to deal with these systems of emailing, this helped me know much about the ways to deal with the transactions on email.

  • gdouvet le 2 oct. 2017 09:56:44
    a noté Mailjet: Note globale 5/5

    Solution efficace et support réactif. Je recommande

  • ashf le 11 sep. 2017 11:20:16

    Please add see if services has list management function. i.e. Mailjet/Seninblue has list management function for free.

  • edrokov le 4 sep. 2017 21:49:40
    a commenté Mailjet

    So far my experience is extremely ignorant, lazy and helpless first line support basically doing nothing. One ticket resolving takes more than 1 week!

  • arda le 22 aoû. 2017 11:13:57

    Thanks for the list! I had heard of most of them, but some were completely new. I have been using for about a year now and I would recommend their service.

  • Rob J le 11 jul. 2017 10:05:09

    Have had a good experience with Send in Blue. Just waiting for them to develop multi-user login. Fingers crossed!

  • Abhi le 2 jul. 2017 12:18:16

    SwipeMail has changed their pricing. Now, Swipemail's pricing is one of the most disruptive pricing in the world. Visit pricing page:

  • InboxRoad le 20 jun. 2017 12:10:09

    Hi Vanina, great comparison! Could you please add InboxRoad to the comparison too? Thanks in advance!

  • ericlen7 le 18 jun. 2017 14:42:28
  • Abhi le 10 jun. 2017 13:13:20

    Hi Vanina, Thanks for this comparison chart! Can you please includeSwipeMail in this comparison table too? url: Thanks, Abhi

  • SHADE le 29 mai 2017 12:35:48
    a commenté Elastic Email

    One day, they simply disabled our account because of some user complaints. Without getting to details. They did it twice. First time I we agreed emails are ok and "you are welcome to use elastic emails". In three weeks (or so) on monday ElasticEmail welcomed me with "You account permanently disabled" sign. Great! – thats my mail. I hope you ll be bancrupt damn elasticemail.

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