Website | |
Size | |
Layout | |
AppShell | Yes Responsive shell for controlling application layout. |
Container | No |
Center | No |
Dark Mode / Lightswitch | Yes Allows users to toggle between light and dark themes using Tailwind's dark mode feature. |
Footer | No |
Grid | No |
Group | No |
MediaQuery | No |
Navbar | Yes App Bar : A header element for the top of your page layout. Pairs well with the App Shell. |
SimpleGrid | No |
Sidebar | Yes App Rail : A side navigation rail component |
Space | No |
Stack | No |
Navigation | |
Anchor | No |
Breadcrumbs | Yes Displays the current navigation hierarchy. |
Burger | No |
Drawer (or Off-canvas) | Yes Displays an overlay panel that attaches to any side of the screen. |
Pagination | Yes Navigate between multiple pages of content. |
Seo | No |
Tabs | Yes Use tabs to quickly switch between different views. |
Data Display | |
Accordion | Yes Divide content into collapsible sections. |
Avatar | Yes Display user avatars with an image or initials. |
Badge | No |
Card | No |
Carousel | No |
Conic Gradients | Yes Create conic gradient data visualizations for pie charts, loading spinners, and more. |
Dot | |
Divider | Yes Horizontal or vertical rules for sectioning your content. |
Dropdown | No |
Image | No |
Image Lists / Gallery | No |
Kbd | No |
List Group | Yes |
Popover | No |
Rating | No |
Table | Yes Utilize a data-driven model to create simple presentational tables. A set of utility features for creating template-driven data tables. |
ThemeIcon | No |
Timeline | Yes Steppers: Divide and present content in sequenced steps. This Step component uses the locked property, which can prevent progress. |
TreeView | No |
Typography | Yes Gradient Headings |
Video | No |
Inputs & Actions | |
ActionIcon | No |
Autocomplete | No |
Button | No |
Button Group | No |
Checkbox | No |
CheckboxGroup | No |
Chip | No |
FileDropzone | Yes Allow upload of files with drag and drop. |
FileInput | Yes FileButton : Allows you to select files with a single click. |
Floating Label | No |
FormField | No |
Input | No |
InputWrapper | No |
Listboxes | Yes Interactive listboxes that maintain selection state. |
NumberInput | No |
Radio Button | No |
RadioGroup | Yes Capture feedback limited to a small set of options. |
Range | Yes Capture input from a range of values, including optional ticks. |
Search Input | No |
Select | No |
Speed Dial | No |
Slider | No |
Switch Toggle | Yes A sliding toggle element that can capture input from a user. |
Textarea | No |
TextInput | No |
UnstyledButton | |
Dates | |
DatePicker | No |
TimePicker | No |
Calendar | No |
Feedback | |
Alert | Yes Display customizable alerts to garner attention and provide critical actions. |
Loading | No |
Notification / Toasts | Yes Simple notifications utilizing a dynamic queue system. |
Snackbar | No |
SnackbarContainer | No |
Linear Progress | Yes An indicator showing the progress or completion of a task. |
Progress Radials / Circular Progress | Yes Displays a radial indicator showing the progress or completion of a task. |
Skeleton | No |
Spinner | No |
Overlay | |
Affix | No |
Menu | Yes Provides quick context menus when you tap the trigger element. |
Modal | Yes High priority dialogs and modals using a dynamic queue system. |
Dialog | Yes High priority dialogs and modals using a dynamic queue system. |
Overlay | No |
Tooltip | Yes Informative tooltips that render on mouse over. |
Utils | |
Code blocks | Yes Displays pre-formatted source code, with optional support for Highlight.js syntax highlighting. |
Colors | No |
Close Button | No |
Label | No |
Local Storage Store | Yes An extended version of the Svelte writable store that includes pub/sub to local storage. |
Toolbar | No |
Svelte Actions / Hooks Library | |
use-move | No |
use-clipboard | Yes Allows you to quickly copy select data to the clipboard. |
use-focus-trap | Yes Allows you to contain focus within elements on-demand. |
Image Filters | Yes Applies a set of unique SVG filters. Best used with images, but also available to select components, such as Avatars. |
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