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SvelteUI includes more than 50+ customizable components. All
SvelteUI packages are built with TypeScript and support it by
Name | |
Website | |
Size | |
Layout | |
AppShell | Yes Responsive shell for your application with header, navbar, sidebar, and footer |
Container | Yes Center content horizontally with predefined max-width |
Center | Yes Centers content vertically and horizontally |
Dark Mode / Lightswitch | No |
Footer | Yes AppShell component |
Grid | Yes Flexbox grid with variable amount of columns |
Group | Yes Compose elements and components in a horizontal flex container |
MediaQuery | Yes Apply styles to children if media query matches |
Navbar | Yes AppShell component |
SimpleGrid | Yes Responsive grid where each item takes equal amount of space |
Sidebar | Yes AppShell component |
Space | Yes Add horizontal or vertical spacing from theme |
Stack | Yes Compose elements and components in vertical flex container |
Navigation | |
Anchor | Yes Display links with theme styles |
Breadcrumbs | No |
Burger | Yes The Burger component renders an open/close menu button. |
Drawer (or Off-canvas) | No |
Pagination | No |
Seo | Yes Manage your SEO information |
Tabs | Yes Display links with theme styles |
Data Display | |
Accordion | No |
Avatar | No |
Badge | Yes |
Card | No |
Carousel | No |
Conic Gradients | No |
Dot | No |
Divider | Yes Horizontal line with optional label or vertical divider, with label... |
Dropdown | No |
Image | Yes Image with optional placeholder for loading and error state, BackgroundImage, radius... |
Image Lists / Gallery | No |
Kbd | Yes Display keyboard button or keys combination |
List Group | No |
Popover | No |
Rating | No |
Table | No |
ThemeIcon | Yes Render icon inside element with theme colors |
Timeline | Yes Display list of events in chronological order |
TreeView | No |
Typography | Yes Display text and links with theme styles or gradient |
Video | No |
Inputs & Actions | |
ActionIcon | Yes |
Autocomplete | No |
Button | Yes |
Button Group | |
Checkbox | Yes Custom icon, Indeterminate checkbox, 5 predefined sizes... |
CheckboxGroup | Yes |
Chip | Yes Pick one or multiple values (States, ChipGroup) |
FileDropzone | No |
FileInput | No |
Floating Label | No |
FormField | |
Input | Yes render an icon, TextInput... |
InputWrapper | Yes InputWrapper is used to wrap all SvelteUI inputs |
Listboxes | |
NumberInput | Yes Number input with optional controls |
Radio Button | |
RadioGroup | |
Range | No |
Search Input | |
Select | Yes NativeSelect : Capture user feedback limited to large set of options |
Speed Dial | No |
Slider | No |
Switch Toggle | Yes Capture boolean input from user, Inner labels and Size |
Textarea | No |
TextInput | Yes Text input with descriptions, with icon, right section... |
UnstyledButton | Yes Render button with no theme colors |
Dates | |
DatePicker | No |
TimePicker | No |
Calendar | - coming soon |
Feedback | |
Alert | Yes Attract user attention with an important message |
Loading | Yes Indicate loading state |
Notification / Toasts | Yes Attract user attention with an important message (with icon...) |
Snackbar | No |
SnackbarContainer | No |
Linear Progress | Yes Give user feedback for status of the task |
Progress Radials / Circular Progress | No |
Skeleton | Yes Indicate content loading state |
Spinner | No |
Overlay | |
Affix | Yes Render Svelte component inside portal at fixed position |
Menu | Yes Combine a list of secondary actions into single interactive area, icon, hover... |
Modal | Yes Modal with optional header |
Dialog | Yes |
Overlay | Yes Overlays given element with div element with any color and opacity |
Tooltip | Yes Renders tooltip at given element on mouse over or any other event (Tooltip arrow...) |
Utils | |
Code blocks | Yes Prism : Code highlight with SvelteUI theme colors and styles |
Colors | No |
Close Button | No |
Label | No |
Local Storage Store | |
Toolbar | No |
Svelte Actions / Hooks Library | |
use-move | Yes Handles the movement of an element based on mouse and touch events |
use-clipboard | Yes Copies text to the clipboard when DOM element is clicked |
use-focus-trap | Yes Traps the focus inside the given DOM node |
Image Filters | No |
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