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Compare live chat software

Comparaison des modules de chat en ligne pour sites e-commerce : VideoDesk, LiveChat, Olark, Subiz, Zopim, Smartsupp, Live! Zilla et ChatNox.
VideoDeskLiveChatOlarkSubizZendesk ChatSmartsuppLive! ZillaChatNox

VideoDesk was a livechat service, to find an alternative:

VideoDesk was a leading SaaS company that helps businesses bring the in-store human dimension into their online customer sales and support experience. This revolutionary technology, adopted by successful brands across the globe, uses live text and video chat, live video product demos, co-browse and document share, to help engage consumers and personalize the purchase path. All over the world, online shoppers appreciate and value the immediacy of live support (less than 15 seconds to reach an associate), and appreciate personalized face to face interaction when they are making a decision. For businesses, reduced cart abandonment rates, more frequent upselling opportunities and higher revenues are the principal advantages of the VideoDesk solution. Brands that understand the power of real time human interaction are trailblazing the online support experience with VideoDesk live chat.

LiveChat est un logiciel simple de support par chat, facile à utiliser.

Répondez aux attentes de vos clients : Aider ceux qui en ont besoin. Entrez en contact avec les personnes visitant votre site et indiquez leur la marche à suivre.

La plupart des problèmes peut être résolue immédiatement 8 fois sur 10, vous n’aurez même pas à traiter ce cas autrement car le problème aura été résolu pendant le chat.

Livechat réalise ce que le téléphone et l'email ne peuvent pas accomplir eux-mêmes. Débarrassez-vous de longues files d’attente et surprenez vos clients avec des réponses instantanées.

Disponible sur toutes les plateformes.

Olark s'intégre à vos outils, pour permettre de se concentrer sur la vente et le support client. Olark permet de rapidement voir toutes l’activité de votre site d'un coup d'oeil. On peut soit attendre que les visiteurs contact l’équipe de support, soit directement interpeller ses visiteurs pour leur venir en aide.

Olark peut s'utiliser depuis votre client de messagerie instantanée habituel ou bien vous pouvez l'utiliser depuis un téléphone mobile (iPhone, Android, Blackberry)

Subiz is cloud-based service which lets you take the initiative to chat and interact with every visitor on your website, meanwhile, answer the questions, interact with visitors and solve problems quickly . All you need to have is just a Internet-connected device.

Our top goal is to engage and turn visitors on your website into loyal customers and improve your online e-commerce revenue.

Zopim est une widget de chat en ligne, qui s’intègre à votre site pour permettre de répondre en direct aux questions des visiteurs du site (potentiellement des clients si vous avez une boutique en ligne (site ecommerce)).

Un suivi en temps réel permet de rapidement voir les visiteurs du site, d’où ils viennent, ce qu'ils visitent...etc.

Voici un comparatif détaillé des solutions de chat professionnel à installer sur votre site web: compare-live-chat-support-software-help

Smartsupp is your personal shopping assistant. It combines live chat and chatbots to save your time and help you turn visitors into loyal customers.

Smartsupp is one of the most popular products in Europe with 50 000 active European webshops and websites.

Why choose Smartsupp?

  • the only product that combines live chat, chatbots and video recordings
  • automate repetitive questions, be personal where it’s relevant and see where visitors get lost on your webshop
  • access real-time visitor list enriched with e-commerce data
  • see who is browsing your webshop, which products are they interested in and proactively start a conversation to make a sale
  • we offer human customer service in 7 different languages
  • GDPR compliant, we securely store your data in the European Union and comply with strict EU data protection laws
LiveZilla, the Next Generation Live Help and Live Support System connects you to your website visitors. Use LiveZilla to provide Live Chats and monitor your website visitors in real-time. Convert visitors to customers - with LiveZilla!

Requirements: Windows server with Webserver (IIS, Apache), PHP 5, MySQL
ChatNox is a super easy Live chat solution for businesses of all sizes. Simply paste a few lines of code into your webpages and you are all set to receive chats! Use it on multiple domains at no extra cost and plans cost as low as $8.49/month
Période d'essai gratuiteOui Essai pilote 15 joursOui Testez les fonctionnalités de l’abonnement Équipe pendant 14 joursOui Free plan, & all paid plans have 14 days free trialOui Free Trial 30 days, fully featuresOui 14 daysOui Our Free Start-up Plan gives you 20 chats/month. No credit card needed. This plan is ideal for businesses with low volume.
TarifsOffre personnalisée : plateforme entièrement personnalisable avec options et fonctionnalités au choixFacturation annuelle :
  • Débutant: $20/mois par agent
  • Equipe: $41/mois par agent
  • Business: $59/mois par agent
  • Entreprise: sur demande
  • $29/month per seat

Save 35% with a 2 year commitment.
  • Free Plan (05 concurrent chat, 1 agent)
  • Basic Plan: $9.59 dollars/agent/month (unlimited chats, 03 trigger)
  • Advanced Plan: $16.80 dollars/agent/month (unlimited chats, unlimited trigger.)
  • Basic Plan $11.20 per agent/mo (unlimited chats)
  • Advanced Plan $20 per agent/mo (unlimited chats + reports, analytics...)
  • Premium $44 per agent/mo (widget unbranding, IP address block, real-time monitoring...)
  • Smartsupp Gratuit - 0€
  • Smartsupp Standard - 19.5 EUR / month
  • Smartsupp Pro - 48 EUR / month
Free Plan for low volume usage(20 chats/month)
Paid Plans are per Operator
Monthly Plans
  • Standard Monthly - $ 8.99/Month
  • Premium Monthly - $17.99/Month

Yearly Plans Come with approximately 15% discount which means pay for 10 months and get 12 months.
  • Standard Yearly - $ 89.99/Year
  • Premium Yearly - $179.99/Year

  • (Free Plan Comes with 20 Chats every month. One Group, One Trigger and Limited Reporting.)

    (Standard Plan Comes with unlimited chats, multiple user domain support, 5 user groups, customizable chat widgets, unlimited canned messages, real-time visitor tracking, 3 chat triggers, Chat Transfer Options )

    (Premium Plan comes with Unlimited Chat, Unlimited User Groups, Multiple User domain support, unlimited chat triggers, Real-time visitor tracking with ability to force chat invitations, branding control, Zendesk Integration, Freshdesk Integration
Date de lancement1 sep. 2012 25 jun. 2002 1 aoû. 2009 1 jun. 2013 1 avr. 2013 19 aoû. 2014
Application WebOuiOui Compatible with all up-to-date browsers.OuiOuiOuiOuiNonOui
IM (Google Talk, Jabber...) integrationNonNon LiveChat is based on secure proprietary technology - independent from 3rd party protocols (Jabber)Oui IM client supporting Jabber/XMPP-Oui XMPP (Jabber)
Applications bureau (desktop)NonOui web browser, Windows, Mac OS XOui through IM clientsOui- Through IM clientsOui XMPP (Jabber) : Pidgin, AdiumOui- Rich Web 2.0 Browser Based Featured Application.
Support MobileOui SDK pour support mobileOui Mobile applications for iPad, iPhone, and Android devices.Non No native app, but any Jabber/XMPP app will workOui For iOs, Android, Window, MacNonOui XMPP (Jabber) : Xabber (Android), IM+ Instant Messenger (iOS, Windows Phone)Oui XMPP Client compatible. iOS and Android Native app under development.
Fonctionne pour les utilisateurs sur mobile ?Oui Compatible tablettes et fonctionne sur tous les navigateurs mobiles.Oui Optimized for mobile devices does not require Flash to work.OuiOui Run smoothly on any mobile devices.Oui Works on some mobile devices. HTML5 dashboardOui fully responsive chat boxNonOui Fully responsive CSS. Widgets work great on mobile browsers and also main application is fully mobile browser compatible.
Statistiques du chatOui Statistiques de chat pour découvrir dans quelle mesure l’utilisation de VideoDesk a impacté vos ventes, vos taux de conversions, votre panier moyen et tous les autres indicateurs de votre choix + Intégration à Google AnalyticsOui Reports and analytics are focused on measuring customer service efficiency (quantity, performance, handle times) and chat-to-sale conversion (eCommerce goals).OuiOui Integrated with Google AnalyticsOuiOuiOuiOui 6 Reports Out of the Box Available
Multi-siteOuiOui There's no limit. One account can be used to manage multiple websites.OuiOuiOuiOui no extra chargeOui
Chat Window Video PresentationOui Oui
Opérateurs multiplesOuiOui Every user can have their own account. Different agent roles available.OuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOui Operators can also be assigned in groups. Chats can be transferred between them.
Transcriptions des conversationsOui Enregistrement des historiques de conversation texte et vidéo.Oui Chat transcripts are stored in LiveChat. Option to export archived transcripts.OuiOuiOuiOuiOuiOui Saved on Server. Encrypted data and ability to add tags and notes.
File sharingOui Yes
Partage de vidéosOui Yes
Messages hors ligneOui OuiOui Offline messages are saved as tickets, forwarded to a help desk or email address.Oui Messages sent to an email address(es) or into a CRM.Oui Offline messages sent to emailOuiOuiOuiOui Live Notification System when messages are left while online. Message automatically tagged for quick reference.
CobrowsingOui Oui (deux modes: prise de contrôle et surbrillance)Oui With the use of a 3rd party application.Oui push webpagesOuiNonOui Screen recordingOui push webpagesOui
Personnalisation de l'apparenceOui Interface de chat entièrement personnalisable (langues, texte, design...)Oui Several chat window themes to choose from. CSS customization, branding and white label version are available.Oui personnalisation CSS + version en marque blancheOui Fully customize chat widget, including fully adjust CSSOuiOuiOui Fully customizable with live preview.
Profil des visiteursOui Localisation géographique, durée de navigation, pages visitées, page actuelle, parcours de navigation, visites précédentes, navigateur utilisé, version de Windows et de Flash, etc.Oui Detailed information on online visitors include geolocation, IP address, referrer links, time on the website and number of visits, custom events and more.Oui Geo-location, IP address, browsing time, current & past page details, referrer, No. of visits to site, browser, OS platform, name, email, username, custom data with some API customization, shopping cart info for Shopify and Magento usersOui Geo-location, IP address, browsing time, current and past page details, referral, browser, name, email, username, type (new/return), time onlineOuiOui You can also show custom visitor info from your database IP Address, City Country Region, From URL, Referred URL, First Time or Returning Visitor, Operating System, Browser Version, Time Spent on Website, Pages browsed, History of Previous Chats
Réponses pré-enregistréesOui Messages pré-enregistrés, paramétrables par l'administrateurOui Canned replies are tag-based - by typing in #tag a corresponding answer pops up.Oui Using 3rd Party MacrosOui Canned responsesOuiOuiOuiOui Easy setup and fetch pre-defined messages by a click.
MultilingueOui Fenêtre de chat et interface conseiller disponible dans plusieurs langues: anglais, français, espagnol, portugais, allemand, japonais, chinois...Oui 40+ langues disponibles.OuiOui 5 languagesOuiOui Chat support in English, French and CzechOuiOui Supports Multiple Languages Characterset.
Contrôle de la navigation utilisateurOui Temps de navigation, pages visitées, visites précédentes, parcours utilisateur.Oui The user's browsing path is displayed in real-time to provide details on visited pages.OuiOuiOui Visualisation du trajet du visiteur sur le site et de chaque changement de page.Oui Visitor recordingOui
Transfert entre opérateursOuiOui Chats can be transferred back and forth between operators. Chat history is transferred along with the visitor.Oui type !transfer command to transfer to all available operators, transcript link shows to new operatorOui Transfer with chat transcriptOuiOuiOuiOui Simple click and choose operator.
Deuxième webcamOui Yes
Extensions personnaliséesOui Plugins PrestaShop, WordPress et DrupalOui 60+ integrations available, including Google Analytics, Facebook, Salesforce, Zendesk and many other.Oui API Extensible (architecture de plugins JavaScript)Oui Wordpress, Joomla, Magento plugin; eCommerce platformsOui Javascript API, Many integrations (Zendesk, Salesforce, etc)OuiOui Help for integration on Wordpress, Magento, unbounce etc. Dedicated Plugin for Zendesk, FreshDesk and
Discussion proactiveOui Paramètres personnalisables pour ciblage clientsOui LiveChat detects when visitors take certain actions on the website and issue chat invitations based on those actions.Oui Fully customizable rule-based triggersOui Fully customizable rule-based triggersOuiOuiOui Available with multiple rules for effective targeting of behaviours.
Suivi des visitesOui Nombre de visiteurs actifs sur le siteOui Monitor the page URL that a website visitor is on and directly engage with them to answer page specific questions.Oui List of visitors shows inside your IM client buddy list or on the screen if using a web-based option. Can enable notifications for when visitors land on your site.OuiOuiOuiOuiOui Available only on paid plans. Premium plan allows to force chat invitations.
Sondage clientsOui Oui. Proposez à vos clients de répondre à un sondage personnalisé avant et/ou après l'appel.
Video chatOui Chat audio et video de haute qualité en WebRTC / FlashNonNonNonNonNon Visitor recordingOuiOui WebRTC coming in Q42014
Capture d'écran à distanceNon Non mais options de co-navigation, partage d'écran et partage de PDF et de vidéos.Oui With the use of a 3rd party application.NonNonNonOui Screen recordingNonNon
APIOui Données clients / interface utilisateurOui Open APIOui PHPNon In roadmap for Q4 2014
CRM IntegrationOui Modules WordPress et PrestaShop.
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Compare Subiz vs Zopim vs Olark vs LiveChat vs Live! Zilla
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