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Softaken MBOX To NSF Converter

The Softaken MBOX to NSF Converter software program was created to make it easier to switch from MBOX files to NSF files, nevertheless, his freeware's user-friendly interface and strong features make it simple for users to convert their MBOX files to NSF format. The program guarantees that all email properties, folder structure, attachments, and other data components are preserved throughout the conversion. It supports multiple conversions, which allows users to convert many MBOX files to NSF format in a single step, saving time and effort. The technique is simplified and enhanced since users can choose which MBOX files or folders to convert. The application also supports email applications that produce MBOX files, such as Thunderbird, Apple Mail, Eudora, and others. It enables an effortless switch from MBOX to NSF while being compatible with all IBM Lotus Notes versions.
Softaken MBOX To NSF Converter
Price$ 29
Nov. 7th 2023 12:42:27 PM
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