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Smartsupp is your personal shopping assistant. It combines live chat and chatbots to save your time and help you turn visitors into loyal customers.

Smartsupp is one of the most popular products in Europe with 50 000 active European webshops and websites.

Why choose Smartsupp?

  • the only product that combines live chat, chatbots and video recordings
  • automate repetitive questions, be personal where it’s relevant and see where visitors get lost on your webshop
  • access real-time visitor list enriched with e-commerce data
  • see who is browsing your webshop, which products are they interested in and proactively start a conversation to make a sale
  • we offer human customer service in 7 different languages
  • GDPR compliant, we securely store your data in the European Union and comply with strict EU data protection laws
Free trial period
Pricing plans
  • FREE: free forever for up to 3 agents
  • STANDARD: 19.5 € / month / 3 agents
  • PRO: 48 € / month / 3 agents
Launch dateApr. 1st 2013
Web-based ApplicationYes
IM (Google Talk, Jabber...) integrationYes XMPP (Jabber)
Desktop ApplicationsYes XMPP (Jabber) : Pidgin, Adium
Native mobile applicationYes XMPP (Jabber) : Xabber (Android), IM+ Instant Messenger (iOS, Windows Phone)
Works for customers on mobile devices?Yes fully responsive chat box
Chat statisticsYes
Multi-siteYes no extra charge
Multiple operatorsYes
Conversation transcriptsYes
Offline messagesYes
CobrowsingYes Screen recording
Visual customizationYes
Visitor detailsYes You can also show custom visitor info from your database
Predefined responsesYes
International supportYes Chat support in English, French and Czech
Clickpath TrackerYes Visitor recording
Transfer to another operatorYes
Custom extensionsYes
Proactive chat triggersYes
Visitor MonitoringYes
Video chatNo Visitor recording
Remote screenshotYes Screen recording
Social Networks
Livechat & Chatbot
May 22nd 2023 10:53:37 AM
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User reviews and comments

  • Alexandre Tolstenko Nogueira on Jul. 18th 2016 6:28:37 PM
    suggested to set Video chat to - Visitor recording

    Beta testing

  • Lukáš Rajchl on Jan. 25th 2016 11:09:00 AM
    suggested to set Pricing plans to FREE : free forever with unlimited agents MINI: 4 € / month / agent STANDARD: 8 € / month / agent PRO: 19 € / month / agent

    In 1 year payment.

  • josefina1234 on Nov. 11th 2015 2:02:20 PM

    that is not video chat, it is only recording of visitors on the web

  • Lukáš Pelc on Nov. 4th 2015 8:38:55 AM
    like this

    Best chat ever

  • Petr Janošík on Nov. 3rd 2015 6:46:16 PM
    like this

    First live chat with visitor recording

  • ashish on Dec. 8th 2014 12:53:07 PM
    suggested to set Remote screenshot to -

    coming soon